Unlike other organizations, a union’s relations with its members and the government are highly regulated. The firm advises clients in the following areas related to internal union administration:​
- The Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (“LMRDA”) imposes
specific requirements for union elections, membership rights, internal union discipline, financial practices and reporting obligations.​
- Beck/Hudson procedures for the calculation of the amount of agency fees and the collection of agency fees from non-members.​
- Section 302 of the Labor Management Relations Act (“LMRA”) sets strict limits for certain kinds of financial transactions involving unions and establishes criminal penalties for unions and union officials who violate the statute.​
- Advice to unions in their role as employers, including dealing with their employees and staff unions and advising unions about compliance with federal, state and local laws applicable to unions and employers.​
- Steering clients through Department of Labor audits.